last updated 02/20/2020
The Van Cor Threads are new mechanical threaded connections that will add to our quality
of our lives by improving products we depend on and creating new ones.
Before we get into the threads the first thing to understand is the development of a delivery
system. That is software to create the threads, add them to a product and 3D print that product.
Currently the Computer Aided Three-dimensional process or CAT processTM makes standard and Van Cor
threaded parts are any printers resolution. More can be found at
I am looking for people interested in an online store.
The Van Cor threads are the Wave, Concentric, Conic and Key Threads. All have high surface
contact limit by tolerances; and all surfaces engage at the same instant. They are a new
genre in physical connections. Each thread has an engineering software system that outputs 3D print files.
The wave thread also has 3-axis maching software. A range of applications can be found at this document link
Wave ThreadTM: The basic wave thread is an expanding stack of circles with their centers following
a helical path. That helical path generates the wave on the surface. Patent issued.
Concentric ThreadTM: The concentric threads are most 2D shapes except a circle that is expanding
in size and rotating on each layer. One of its models screws around a corner. Patent issued.
Conic ThreadsTM: The profiles of the mated conic threads are on the same plane perpendicular to
their direction of travel. These are best suited for pipe threads. Patent issued.
Key ThreadTM: The Key thread is a new geometry that resists loads spherical as opposed to linearly.
An example would be a Key threaded disk on the ceiling that fully engages in a quarter turn. Patent pending.
A range of applications can be found at this document link
The wave thread has had the most development. It can be 25% stronger then the standard threads
because it can be designed to evenly distribute stress. Standard threads concentrate stress.
Bolts usually break on the first thread. Currently, the Gemini Project is underway at the
University of New Hampshire, USA for destructively testing standard UNC and wave threads.
The videos and graphs can be seen at this gemini project document link.
The Key thread creates a totally new way to assemble things. One configuration called a KeynectorTM and is applicable to toys like Legos
except these screw together and are harder to unscrew. A larger version would be a new type of construction block called a KeybrickTM.
A large portion of the 85% of recycled plastics that ends in landfills could be made into Keybricks. Details require a Confidential Disclosure Agreement.
While work on the Gemini Project will continue. The engineering software for the Key Thread is underway.
This Wave Thread is designed to evenly distribute stress. In contrast the UNC thread always has high stress on the first
thread and then the capacity to resist drops quickly. That is why nuts are so thin, extra threads add little.
This data link has more Stress Concentation Factor Graphs with different designs and different impact are shown.
The challenge for any new technology is to get it into the marketplace. The R&D process that has been going on for a decade included
software for high precision threads applied to various parts and 3D printed. Standard theads were also created comparison and testing. This software was
developed so its parts could to be made on any 3D printing or additive process and tested. Then there was a moment of realization that boarded on stupid.
The technology for delivering these parts to the 3D maketplace was already operational. It needs to be packaged.
Press for an overview of commercializtion.
There are several types of High Surface Contact Threads (HSCT), each with a number of geometric parameters
that enable a degree of engineering precision and control currently unavailable. By utilizing HSCTs, engineers
will be able to make their products safer, cheaper, and do things otherwise impossible prior to HSCTs.
HSCTsTM common characteristic is the elimination of the clearance space that all other threads have. This is mechanically new and its engineering
principals have to be determined to be put into application. How much resistance to environmental corrosion or corrosion from unlike metals (AL-CU)
in high voltage connections. What are the differences that lack of movement has for hot/cold expansion or load cycling compared with norms.
If there no room to absorb vibrational movement, can it transmit it efficiently? Ideally HSCT would seal, in practice fabrication tolerances will require a
microscopic layers of sealant. Another 3D print solution is the Z seal, see gas/fluid. The application
would be stronger, more durable pneumatic and hydraulic connection. Eliminating the need for a clearance space opens a range of applications.
Another common HSCTs characteristic is all the surfaces engage at the same time and same terminal position. The obseved effect is a tight
hold and quick connections. The maximizing of the coefficient of friction has to be reduced to a predictable value for different materials. This would
reduce the amount of material in caps to contain gas or liquids in bottles or any container. Soda has to have a pressure release space so the caps would
not explode. This is a thread design fuction so the gases can excape around the threads before the cap can come off.
The development of quick connect eletrical, electronic, fiber optic and micro channels will be possible because of this precision positioning. The wires
and tubes can be added to a plastic thread mold. Once this part is molded, the mating connection or contact points are machined. The added benifit,
if these connections are inherently water tight, they will make industrial/consumer applications more durable.
All HSCTs have morphing surfaces, most are either a cone, concave or convex shape; there are others. This has freedom
to design how stresses are distributed. The wave thread above directed stress linearly through the
fastener increasing it's tensile strength. Another set have been designed to increase stress in the middle and
reduce on the ends. The application is pipe connections and container covers. Press this
stress distribution graphs to seal.
Another set can allow quick connection with precision things like
electrical plugs, position and perpendicularlly align a
thousand electronic contacts replacing pins or aligning fiber
optic surfaces. Also, morphing threads can fasten multiple parts laterally fasten multiple parts laterally .
and around corners.
Some HSCT's can be incorporated as a valve. The plunger, control thread
and seat would be replaced with a male threaded plunger and female threaded seat with combined thread control.
This is a repeating sealed connection. As a 3D printed replacement component, it could be a fast fix till industrial parts are delivered.
3D printed parts eliminate the need to stockpile and valves could be made on demand.
Three of the four High Surface Contact Threads have US patents; there are others. Their basic principles can be found
in the American Fastener Journal articles
Concentric Thread Principals ,
Wave Thread Principles , and
Conic Thread Geometry 3.5 .
The simplist WaveTM Thread is a stack of expanding circles that follow are spiraling helix. This is the first HSCT type that
optimized the substanial even distribution of stress with the unintended effect of increasing its load bearing tensile strength over 25%.
It will make stronger aerospace and automotive fasteners. This will replace the USB plug in consumer electronic connections with a quarter
turn connection that will not pull out and be water tight. This will replace battery connection with longer lasting high surface contacts
that will not loosen and resist corrosion.
The non-circular ConcentricTM Thread is a rotating stack of ANY two dimensional shape, except a circle. Using a circle
would make a cone, not a ConcentricTM Thread. The two dimensional shapes can be a square, heart, lizard, or the map of
Europe, anything. This will make limitless consumer applications including unique containers. A curved axis concentric
thread can screw around a corner reducing the net amount of fastening. The engineering is an application of two intersecting
perpendicular planes. Some concentric thread shapes will fasten laterally while engaging linearly, the sides pull into thread.
This allows multiple parts to be connected by one engagement. This will be one of the broadest new mechanics chapter.
The Conic TM Thread has the male and female profiles on the same plane at its terminal position. It can be any current thread
profile or new geometries. This was the first to eliminate the clearance space. It is another choice of threads to morph,
to seal, to connect, to create.
Every discovery has new terms, an expansion of old terms and odd quirks. The limits of every High Surface ContactdTM Thread
design is the female thread, no metaphor intended. It determines how small and tight the internal surface can be fabricated
with the external male thread generated automatically. The odd quirk is the concave female shape has a convex shaped mate to
show characteristics that otherwise could not be seen.
The work on High Surface ContactTM Threads has been mostly software development with 3D printing, 3-axis machining and making molds.
The future of 3D printing with high resolution will allow a tremendous range of characteristics to be developed, tested and marketed
as 3D printable products. Toy robotics with hydraulic and pneumatic components will lead to industrial ones. 3D printed parts are
a whole new cauldron of what individuals will be able to make.
High Surface ContactTM Threads are the invention of Dale E. Van Cor
from the American town of Winchester, New Hampshire. He is supported by his wife Wanda. His mathematician is
Dr. Ronald Tourgee from Spofford, NH, and his patent attorney is Mike Persson from Laconia, NH. There are three more patents pending.
Dale Van Cor's talent is making his visions into physical parts. Getting applications to market requires developing the engineering
tools to predict performance and failure of applications. This will take the resources and talents of others.
This is a new genre in physical connections and there is more.
Papers, articles and videos:
Properties of the Van Cor Threads
Markets for high surface contact connections
Licensing, Patents, Fabrication and Meetings